Team Name: Tech Harvest
Team Lead(s): Linda Thani, Jessica Rae, Victoria Gordina
Contact Information: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Team Description: Focusing on researching gardening and biodiversity in urban settings by implementing simple activities that help increase native wildflowers in Toronto - this includes starting rooftop gardens, hydroponics, and vertical farming. Combines engineering and farming principles in mini design projects to help decrease the carbon footprint in the city.
Project Description:
How can we create a smell free-cost efficient indoor composter at home? Using a breadmaker of course! This current project is the first iteration in making a low-res composter for small spaces. The first phase involves rewiring an old bread maker into making an aerobic composter for small waste.
In researching hydroponics the gardening team of techharvest has been looking at different fertilizer compounds to be used at home with food scraps. The curated fertilizer was compared to a commercial fertilizer that came with the system. The two fertilizers were then used and compared in the span of 1 month to see how it would affect the germination and growth of the hydroponic pods. ****
The outreach/social media team devised a competition to encourage others tips and tricks into reusing food scraps and reducing waste overall. This 3-week friendly competition involved participants sending their lunches in resealable take out boxes, trying new recipes, and preserving food for long term use.